Wednesday, May 6, 2020

According to Theurer (2011), miscue analysis is based on...

According to Theurer (2011), miscue analysis is based on the early work of Ken and Yetta Goodman. This method of assessment strategy assists teachers to develop a rich understanding of the reading process of English language learners. A miscue is an unexpected response tat occurs when the reader’s knowledge of language and concepts of the world fails to match the text he or she is reading. This paper will aim to (a) summarize the articles describing retrospective miscue analysis; (b) analyze and critique the articles and the retrospective miscue analysis strategy and (c) implications for English language instructions as per the retrospective miscue analysis strategy. Under the RMA assessment strategy, readers use a number of cueing†¦show more content†¦However, this study had a negative effect on the participant because it made the participant believed that reading was all about reading each word correctly. As mentioned earlier, making miscues is acceptable and the teacher should ensure that students are not demotivated and afraid to make miscues as that will result in a decrease in the students’ confidence level. The individualized nature of the RMA approach can present a challenge to its implementation in an inclusive classroom with thirty or so students, and teachers might be at loss as to how implement the strategy in a timely manner. Since RMA sessions generally utilize a one-to-one instructional format, it is natural that the RMA sessions be conducted by trained teachers and learning specialists. These session can be held as a part of an after school program or during breaks between lessons. As part of an after school program, RMA can be integrated into a traditional developmental reading curriculum, thereby creating a more comprehensive and individually responsive reading support for all students. Furthermore, another way to overcome this challenge would be to use audio recording of the reading and to record directly onto a copy of the text that has been prepared with wide line spacing for comments. With practice, this can be effective and sufficient to give a preliminary indication of a student’s reading

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